Hi, I am Juliana

I'm passionate about

Hi! I am Juliana Charisse Ramos. My friends call me Juliana or Ju or Juli! I just got my Diploma in Information Technology. I am passionate in building meaningful connections, improving processes and solving problems.

I aspire to add value, learn and create impact in roles such as Business Analyst, Project Management



Diploma in Information Technology

Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Singapore)

April 2020 - May 2023

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Logo

  • Specialised in Data Science and Analytics and Solution Architecting
  • Vice President for Touch Rugby CCA (2021) & Admin Head (2020)
  • Represented Ngee Ann Polytechnic Touch Rugby in Polytechnic-ITE (POL-ITE) 2021 & 2022. Improved from Top 5 to 3rd runner up
  • Represented Ngee Ann Polytechnic Touch Rugby in Institute Varsity-Polytechnic Games (IVP) 2023
  • Head of Community Service for ICT Society in 2021
  • Member of ICT Society x Google Developer Student Club in 2022
  • Volunteered in several events for Migrant Workers, Children, Special Needs and Elderly
  • Taught Robotic Process Automation to 40 secondary school students in an outreach event for students to expand their knowledge on technology.

Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern

AIDA Technologies (Singapore)

March 2022 to March 2023

AIDA Technologies Logo

  • Coding User Interface based on client's requirements
  • Improved quality of machine learning models through data preparation & data manipulation
  • Loaded large amount of CSV files to database using Python
  • Developed a Proof of Concept of the User Interface by aligning the outcome with the team & working independently to code and resolve bugs
  • Collaboratively developed Production Web App User Interface using HTML, CSS & React JS